Becoming Our Best


My wife Martha and I were on a little road trip in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where I grew up. During a pleasant excursion on gravel roads through some beautiful country, I decided to go up a “two track” dirt road into an Aspen forest, thinking I would turn around in a pasture up ahead. Imagine my surprise to find there was a barbed wire fence that prevented me from going farther and getting turned around.
So, in a tight area bounded by Aspen trees on one side and a steep embankment on the other, I tried to turn around. It didn’t work! Martha and I used other means to gain some traction, with no success. The car was now stuck, with its frame on the dirt (high centered), preventing the wheels from getting the traction needed to finish turning around. 6 hours later, with many frustrating moments along the way, a tow truck pulled the car and its frame off the dirt, we got turned around and headed for home.
Here are a few lessons learned:

  • Don’t assume that “it could never happen to me”.
  • Think twice about entering into potentially difficult situations.
  • Bring along some food and water, just in case.
  • Don’t presume there is universal cell phone coverage.
  • Keep your sense of humor.
There are more lessons, but these may help you and your team to avoid unnecessary, challenging situations. And smiling as you work through the difficulties makes things better. Letting your negative emotions, or the team’s take charge is not a good idea. Have fun adventures, but know what you’re doing and have a plan ready for the worst case.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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